Global List Sourcing

The most important element of any direct marketing campaign is to reach the right target audience. The creative and offer, however appealing, will not yield a positive ROI unless the correct decision maker in the right type of company for B2B offers, or the person with the most relevant behaviour and demographics for B2C offers are selected.

We have researched and supplied every possible business & consumer list available for every market sector, across the USA,UK, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

Our clients engage with us to support them on several levels. These range from supplying a single list that meets their exact target market to building highly complex private prospect databases that comprise of over 100+ different data sources.

Over 145 clients each year trust us to help them gain more profitable customers utilising our Global list sourcing solutions. We have 100% client retention so we must be doing something right and almost all of our business comes from company or personal recommendation.

Our approach

Regardless of the type and scale of the opportunity, our team of highly skilled List Brokers approach client requirements through a proven process and consultation, ensuring that we clearly understand their exact, tangible and measurable objectives.

After we gain and agree an accurate interpretation of the client requirements we carry out extensive research and offer a range of suitable options and a logical rationale to substantiate our recommendations.

We work with clients as part of their extended marketing team, offering professional but impartial and independent advice and recommendations. The list and media choices will always be what is right for the client and will have no bearing on benefits to eListBox.